Loading... (If this takes too long it means there was a serious error!)

{{modInfo.name}} {{VERSION.withoutName}}

Congratulations! You have reached the end of this update

It took you {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}} to beat the game.
Make sure that you record the time in your stream or else your speedrun won't count!


The Modding Tree Discord
Main Prestige Tree server

More content is to come later!



Made by {{modInfo.author}}

The Modding Tree {{TMT_VERSION.tmtNum}} by Acamaeda
The Prestige Tree made by Jacorb and Aarex
Original idea by papyrus (on discord)

The Modding Tree Discord
Main Prestige Tree server

Note by Jacorb: If anyone wishes to make a mod of this game, that is perfectly fine with me, just make sure to name it something different (ex: Prestige Tree NG+) and to let me know on my discord.

Time Played: {{ formatTime(player.timePlayed) }}





Dev Speed: {{format(player.devSpeed)}}x

Offline Time: {{formatTime(player.offTime.remain)}}

Reach {{formatWhole(ENDGAME)}} to beat the game!

You have

